Python 之谷歌瓦片地图影像批量下载

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Python 之谷歌瓦片地图影像批量下载

2023-06-02 05:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Python 之谷歌瓦片地图影像批量下载

最近在写毕业论文,想用谷歌影像作为底图来展示研究区,然后 Google 了很多脚本,结果发现输出的影像都不带空间坐标系,所以就想自己写个小工具,通过输入空间范围就可以实现 Google 地图的下载,并输出为 TIFF 格式,含 WGS 84 空间坐标系。


下载谷歌影像,并输出为带空间坐标系的 TIFF 格式


通过多线程、多进程的方式实现快速下载 下面只给出主要的思路及代码 文章末尾提供源码链接

3、主要思路及代码 3.1、计算给定空间范围内的瓦片行列号,并返回URL MAP_URLS = { "Google": "{style}&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}", "Google China": "{style}&hl=zh-CN&gl=CN&src=app&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}"} def get_url(source, x, y, z, style):# if source == 'Google China': url = MAP_URLS["Google China"].format(x=x, y=y, z=z, style=style) elif source == 'Google': url = MAP_URLS["Google"].format(x=x, y=y, z=z, style=style) else: raise Exception("Unknown Map Source ! ") return url def get_urls(x1, y1, x2, y2, z, source='google', style='s'): pos1x, pos1y = wgs_to_tile(x1, y1, z) pos2x, pos2y = wgs_to_tile(x2, y2, z) lenx = pos2x - pos1x + 1 leny = pos2y - pos1y + 1 print("Total tiles number:{x} X {y}".format(x=lenx, y=leny)) urls = [get_url(source, i, j, z, style) for j in range(pos1y, pos1y + leny) for i in range(pos1x, pos1x + lenx)] return urls 3.2、根据上一步得到的URL下载瓦片 def download_tiles(urls,multi=10): def makeupdate(s): def up(): global COUNT COUNT+=1 print("\rDownLoading...[{0}/{1}]".format(COUNT,s),end='') return up url_len=len(urls) datas=[None] * url_len if multi 20 or not isinstance(multi,int): raise Exception("multi of Downloader shuold be int and between 1 to 20.") tasks=[Downloader(i,multi,urls,datas,makeupdate(url_len)) for i in range(multi)] for i in tasks: i.start() for i in tasks: i.join() return datas 3.3、合并瓦片为一张影像 def merge_tiles(datas,x1, y1, x2, y2, z): pos1x, pos1y = wgs_to_tile(x1, y1, z) pos2x, pos2y = wgs_to_tile(x2, y2, z) lenx = pos2x - pos1x + 1 leny = pos2y - pos1y + 1 outpic ='RGBA', (lenx * 256, leny * 256)) for i, data in enumerate(datas): picio = io.BytesIO(data) small_pic = y, x = i // lenx, i % lenx outpic.paste(small_pic, (x * 256, y * 256)) print('\nTiles merge completed') return outpic 3.4、计算所下载瓦片的实际空间范围(我们需要的是瓦片边缘的经纬度信息) def getExtent(x1, y1, x2, y2, z,source="Google China"): pos1x, pos1y = wgs_to_tile(x1, y1, z) pos2x, pos2y = wgs_to_tile(x2, y2, z) Xframe=pixls_to_mercator({"LT":(pos1x,pos1y),"RT":(pos2x,pos1y),"LB":(pos1x,pos2y),"RB":(pos2x,pos2y),"z":z}) for i in ["LT","LB","RT","RB"]: Xframe[i]=mercator_to_wgs(*Xframe[i]) if source=="Google": pass elif source=="Google China": for i in ["LT","LB","RT","RB"]: Xframe[i]=gcj_to_wgs(*Xframe[i]) else: raise Exception("Invalid argument: source.") return Xframe 3.5、最后将结果输出为TIFF格式 def saveTiff(r,g,b,gt,filePath): fname_out = filePath driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') # Create a 3-band dataset dset_output = driver.Create(fname_out, r.shape[1], r.shape[0], 3, gdal.GDT_UInt16) dset_output.SetGeoTransform(gt) try: proj = osr.SpatialReference() proj.ImportFromEPSG(4326) dset_output.SetSpatialRef(proj) except: print("Error: Coordinate system setting failed") dset_output.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(r) dset_output.GetRasterBand(2).WriteArray(g) dset_output.GetRasterBand(3).WriteArray(b) dset_output.FlushCache() dset_output = None print("Image Saved")

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